Saturday, April 26, 2008

Lawsuit Filed Los Angeles

Mandatory Spay/Neuter Ordinance
Issues Pertain To Every State And Municipality


The American Sporting Dog Alliance

LOS ANGELES, CA – Concerned Dog Owners of California filed a lawsuit
this week against the City of Los Angeles, seeking to overturn a new
ordinance mandating the spaying and neutering of all dogs.

The lawsuit is primarily based on constitutional grounds, and alleges
that the ordinance violates the civil rights of dog owners in several

The American Sporting Dog Alliance believes that the importance of
this lawsuit extends far beyond the City of Los Angeles. It marks the
first of several anticipated legal challenges to onerous laws and
ordinances as dog owners turn to the courts to fight for their rights
on constitutional grounds. This lawsuit is based on legal issues that
exist in every state.

An estimated 1.85 million Los Angeles residents have at least one dog or cat.

The ordinance mandates the sterilization of all pets at four months of
age. An exemption can be obtained by purchasing a breeder's permit,
for a dog registered with an approved national registry and is being
shown or used in competition, and for other categories such as
seeing-eye dogs and police dogs. Fines and penalties are provided for

The American Sporting Dog Alliance (ASDA) strongly supports Concerned
Dog Owners of California in this lawsuit. Mandatory sterilization laws
and ordinances violate the basic rights of dog owners in many ways,
and ASDA considers them a major part of the hidden animal rights
agenda to eliminate the private ownership of animals. We urge our
members and all dog owners to offer their full support to Concerned
Dog Owners of California, and also to financially assist this group to
pay for the cost of the lawsuit. They can be reached online at

Here is a summary of the legal issues in the lawsuit:

It violates the rights and familial relationships of 650,000
pet-owning households.

The options provided in the ordinance to avoid pet sterilization are
not constitutionally valid. It infringes on basic rights of freedom of
association, freedom of speech, the guarantee of due process and
freedom of religion.

It won't work. The evidence is clear in communities that have passed
similar ordinances. Similar ordinances have been proven to increase
the number of dogs euthanized, increase shelter admissions, increase
the costs of dog control programs and increase noncompliance with
licensing requirements.

It will increase the number of puppies born, because people will
choose to get a breeding permit and to breed their dog simply to avoid
mandates to spay and neuter.

It exposes pets to unjustified risks to their health. Current research
shows that many significant and sometimes fatal health problems are
associated with sterilization, especially at a young age.

Pet owners are threatened with immediate and irrevocable injury when
the ordinance takes effect October 1.

Existing laws are not being enforced. An estimated 75% of the pets in
the city are not even licensed. Other proven means of reducing shelter
admissions and euthanasia rates have not been tried.

Much of the ordinance, including the basis for exemptions, is
arbitrary and capricious, ambiguous and discriminatory.

The lawsuit states its case succinctly: "Owners who wish to keep their
healthy pets unaltered have no constitutionally valid options to the
MSP (mandatory spay and neuter) ordinance. Although the ordinance
provides for six alleged 'exemptions,' and a breeder's permit, these
exemptions and the breeder's permit are, in actuality, nothing more
than arbitrary and capricious compelled associations that violate an
owner's fundamental free speech rights."

The ordinance forces a dog owner to join an organization approved by
the city, and to identify her/himself as a breeder, which is
state-compelled speech, the document says. By requiring the city to
approve of a dog owner's membership in an organization, such as a dog
registry or club, government is both compelling membership and
dictating a list of acceptable organizations that a person is forced
to join. The ordinance then mandates that a dog must compete in an
event sanctioned by one of those approved organizations, or is in the
process of being trained to compete.

To obtain a breeder's exemption, a dog owner also is compelled to join
one of those approved organizations and identify him/herself as a
participant of that organization, which is an infringement of free
speech, the documents show. The right of free speech is infringed by
forcing a dog owner to identify her/himself as a breeder on government
documents that are available to public inspection.

In essence, a person is forced to say, "I am a breeder," even if the
person does not consider her/himself to be a breeder, or if he/she is
personally opposed to breeding.

Documents were attached to the court filing to show examples of
harassment and vilification of breeders that were distributed by the
groups that support the ordinance. In essence, identifying oneself as
a "breeder" exposes the person to danger, harassment and defamation of
character as consequences of government-compelled speech.

Several religious groups prohibit their members from sterilizing an
animal. These groups include Orthodox Judaism and the Jehovah's
Witness faith. Members of these faiths are unable to sterilize their
pets without violating their religious beliefs, which puts the city in
the position of violating their constitutionally protected freedom of
religion. Los Angeles has the second largest community of Orthodox
Jews in the nation.

The ordinance also gives the city the power to forcibly seize and
confiscate pets that are not spayed or neutered, if their owners are
not granted one of the arbitrary allowed exemptions. This violates the
pet's owner constitutionally guaranteed rights of due process under
the law, that also are violated because the ordinance does not provide
recourse through a hearing.

Forcing a dog owner to spay or neuter also represents an
unconstitutional "taking" of property rights, as the ordinance compels
taking away the value of a dog's reproductive capacity, and due
process is denied.

To compel pet sterilization also is to deny an owner the freedom to
act according to her/his own religious beliefs, personal ideology or
political viewpoint, all of which are protected under the U.S. and
California Constitutions.

The lawsuit also contends that the City of Los Angeles has failed to
take far less draconian actions that have been proven to reduce the
number of animals entering shelters, such as enforcing licensing
requirements (a reported 75% of the dogs in Los Angeles are not
licensed), offering low-cost licensing for puppies that would allow
their owners to be educated about the issues, or mandating permanent
identification of pets so that animals taken to the shelter could be
returned to their owners.

Because of the reported dangers of spaying and neutering (especially
at an early age) shown in numerous research findings, the city also is
denying dog owners the right to protect their pet's health and
infringing on the relationship between a pet owner and his/her

The ordinance also infringes upon the basic concepts of the liberty
and happiness of a pet owner, and also of the relationships between an
owner, her or his family, and the pets that are part of their family.
Although most pet owners consider their dogs as family, rather than
property, they are legally defined as personal property and protected
as such under the fundamental right of property in the California
Constitution. The ordinance is an arbitrary and capricious "taking" of
those property rights by government, especially since the evidence
from other communities shows that the ordinance will be
counterproductive to its stated goals.

The lawsuit also alleges that the ordinance contains much vague and
ambiguous language, such as undefined concepts like "adequately
trained" and "poor health," or not stating clearly what registries
have been approved, and which have not.

The plaintiffs are asking the court to declare the ordinance
unconstitutional, and to order the city not to enforce it.

Please feel free to use any information contained in this report, and
also to cross-post it and forward it to your friends.

The American Sporting Dog Alliance is the unified voice of sporting
dog owners and professionals in America. We work at the grassroots
level to defeat unfair legislation and policies that are harmful to
dogs and the people who own and work with them. Our work to protect
your rights is supported solely by the donations of our members. Your
participation and membership are vital to our success. Please visit us
on the web at


Friday, April 25, 2008

California AB1634 Sponsors Visit Senators Today; Levine To Visit on Monday

News from Sacramento. "Sponsors" of California Assembly Bill 1634 met
with the Senate Local Government Committee today, 23 April. Lloyd
Levine will be meeting with the Senate committee on Monday, 28 April.

Judie Mancuso, campaign director and Social Compassion in Legislation
principal, has had a busy week. In addition to being the primary
sponsor of AB1634, she found time to pen a letter that Bob Barker
could send out to his faithful and produce a website spoof about
PetPAC. Obviously, it is of no consequence to those California
Taxpayers For Safe & Healthy Pets to willfully infringe on PetPAC's
copyright. A busy week for her indeed and a fine example of
multi-tasking, eh?

Another sponsor of AB1634 is the City of Los Angeles. Possibly Ed
"soon-to-be-looking-for-another-job" Boks (Los Angeles Animal Services
infamy) was Ms. Mancuso's Capitol companion today. One would think
that Boks has more pressing things to do in the City of Angels. While
animal rights activists are nipping at his heels and bellowing about
the problems in his "state of the art" shelters, animals continue
dying needlessly.

Los Angeles Animal Services employees signed a "letter of
no-confidence in Ed Boks" earlier this year. What does that say?
Well, how about LAAS employees are refusing to continue Boks'
warehousing practices. When he is not warehousing Fluffy & Fido, he
allows dying animals to die on their own rather than humanely
euthanizing them. In this way, he can exclude these animals from his
euthanasia stats.

He pits aggressive dogs in "cage matches" similar to the world
wrestling federation. Goal? Only one gets out alive. Who knew Boks
was a proponent of dogfighting? Quick. Someone call that dog
fighting expert, JP Goodwin, at the Humane Society of the United
States. And, let's not forget that, when Boks is not refusing to
intake animals, he is ordering his employees to place critically ill
puppies with healthy puppies. Object? Death by disease.

According to his employees, Boks apparently lacks good managerial
skills and leadership qualities. He was able, however, to sell a bill
of goods to Mayor V who obviously didn't check Boks' track record (or
his resume) in Arizona and New York. Boks fluffed his feathers and
beat his chest proudly telling the good Mayor that he alone would
solve the shelter woes of Los Angeles and, for whatever reason, Mayor
V bought it hook, line, and sinker.

Boks immediately began wiggling and jiggling some numbers. Shortly
after his arrival, he belched out a statistic or two to give the
"appearance" that he was doing a fabulous job. The reality is that
you can only cook the books so long. (I can't take credit for the
"cook the books" comment. That comment was made by one of his former
"insider" employees who once thought Boks "walked on water" but now
knows where every skeleton is hiding and every body is buried.)

Unhappy that his faithful employees are shedding light on the reality
of shelter life in the City of Los Angeles, Boks grumbles that the
shelter failure is NOT his fault. He has placed this dubious
distinction on his employees. According to him, his employees are the
"real" reason why Los Angeles is not a no-kill city. In actuality,
however, it appears to me that his employees no longer want to play in
any reindeer games with him. Can anyone say "the cat is out of the

The "solution" to the current shelter problems has been decided by
Mayor Villaraigosa and Ed Boks this week. Increase the cost to adopt
a shelter animal. Decrease the hours of operation.

Ah, strategic planning at its finest! I am certain those long-awaited
amendments are just around the corner.

Brat Zinsmaster


Saturday, April 19, 2008

AB1634 News


The Pavley Campaign has asked for the dog communities help. They are
in dire NEED of volunteers to help reach mail in voters, and only a
few have responded.

We all need to get in on this. The campaign will send lists and
talking points to area coordinators, so people in San Jose and
Sacramento can help. Organize a fun day of dogs, potluck and calls,
please get a group together, email me for the campaign directors info,
and we can shop Levine what will happen. IF we DON'T respond, this
attack on our individual freedoms will continue by fascist thinkers
and greedy politicians.


Mike Gardner


Chairperson Pro Tem


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Story of the week

When I was in my early twenties, the friend of a friend of mine (let's
call him Patrick) had a dog, a German Shepherd called Coltrane. One
night, Coltrane came padding in from the back garden with something in
his mouth. To Patrick's horror, he saw that it was the limp, lifeless
body of his next-door neighbour's black and white spotted rabbit,
Flossy, dead & covered in dirt. Patrick panicked - he knew how much
the family next door loved that rabbit, and he was mortified at the
thought of the uproar when they discovered Coltrane had killed her.

Thinking fast, he washed the deceased rabbit down in the bathtub, &
blow-dried her fur, then crept next door to place her back in her
hay-filled hutch. The next morning, Patrick heard shouts of shock and
panic from next door's garden, so he put on his most innocent
expression before going outside and asking "What's wrong?" "It's
Flossy", his neighbour replied with a disbelieving expression. "She
died yesterday, and we buried her in the garden, but now she's all
cleaned up and back in her cage


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Campaign walk - Update

Hello all Readers,

The response has been outstanding, and so far we are trying to set up
for May 17. Details for the educational march will follow.

Right now the campaign for Fran Pavley has asked that all local
supporters, before the march, lend a hand.

They need people to come into their office, to use their "dime" to
call 5000 mail in voters. They NEED this help ASAP. Or you can
organize a phone party, and get some lists to call with talking

The campaign office phone number is 818-992-9015, (Daniel Tamm
referred you)tell them you are an anti Levine, anti ab1634 person, and
would like to work the phones.

THIS will help all of us and our four legged friends, immensely,
PLEASE help this cause.


Mike Gardner

Chair Pro Tem

Legislative sub committee, USA


Monday, April 7, 2008

"Levine/Pavley Education Day Walk" - May 17/18

To all Members

We are attempting to organize a "Levine/Pavley Education Day Walk"
precinct walk in the Senate District? We need at least 2 hundred
walkers to show on the weekend of May 17/18.
At the campaign headquarters in Woodland hills, details will follow.

The precinct walk will just be one day. Materials will be available.
It has been suggested, that at the end of the walk, each participant
had Fran Pavley a check for $16.34.

The Campaign field director has also asked for help in their office
IMMDIATELY from local people to call 5000 mail in voters. THEY NEED
OUR HELP, we will have contact information out there soon.

Fran Pavely, is a State Senate Candidate, trying to fend off Lloyd
Levine, the author of AB 1634. Levine has termed out (and both are
running for the same Senate Seat in) California's legislature.

If Fran Pavley wins, Lloyd Levine will have to go find a job somewhere else.
Please RSVP me directly if you can be there. We ware coordinating with
other dog and cat groups, so this will be a successful effort.

This is your opportunity to pay Lloyd Levine back for AB 1634, and
send a message to other politicians that they have awakened a sleeping
giant and we will not let them run all over us anymore. PLEASE we can
change this type of bogus legislation.


Mike Gardner

Chair Pro Tem

Legislative Sub Committee, USA


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Campaign walk - against AB1634 Sponsor

Hello all Dog Lovers in the Golden State

We are attempting to organize a "Levine/Pavley Education Day Walk" in
the Senate District? We need at least two hundred walkers to show up
possibly on the weekend of May 17/18 or the following Memorial Day

Fran Pavely, is a State Senate Candidate, trying to fend off Lloyd
Levine, the author of AB 1634. Levine has termed out and he wants to
get elected to another post in California's legislature. This will not
be conducive to any canines in our state as Levine is determined to
bring to book; anti dog and breed specific legislation which is
meaningless and does not meet its goals. His original Bill was
withdrawn for the lack of substance and support.

Will all those interested, please contact me directly by email and
indicate which weekend is good for them to join. We will then
coordinate these efforts with other groups who are rallying as well.
Thank you for supporting our continued efforts on behalf of our
faithful companions.


Mike Gardner

Chair Pro Tem

Legislative Sub Committee, USA