Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Candidates for 2008 proposed by Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee has afforded all potential candidates, irrespective of whether they are included in this list or not, the opportunity of declaring their intentions and publishing their resumes and achievements in the Magazine, website ( and this Blog . The resumes received to date are contained in previous Blog posting (see previous postings below)

Click on Read More for Slate of Candidates proposed by the Nominating Committee.

Proposed Slate of Candidates

All names are shown in alphabetical order and not in order of any preference.

USA Officers


There were two presidential aspirants this year. We have interviewed them, reviewed their resumes and their proposed goals and plans for the USA. This, notwithstanding, we were unable to choose one candidate over the other as both scored equally when we applied our evaluation criteria. As such we are nominating both names so that the membership can make their determination.

(In alphabetical order and not in any order of preference)

Randall Hoadley


Lyle Roetemeyer

Vice President - Craig Groh

Treasurer - Bill Plumb

Secretary - Sara Wallick

Director of Judges - Mark Przybylski

National Breed Warden - Tim Burke

Directors at Large

Al Govednik

Terry Macias

Frank Phillips

Howie Rodriguez

Nathaniel Roque

Auditing Committee

Gordon Esselmann

Kay Koerner

Kris Taves

Board of Inquiry

Jim Alloway

Chris Bettin

Terry Fisk

Gail Kendall

Jan Mountjoy

Thomas Payne

Thomas Shaftoe

Judges Committee

Floyd Wilson

World Championship Committee

Gary Hanrahan

Lisa Jacquin

Howie Rodriguez

Thomas Vollrath

Submitted to USA Secretary
by Rifky Mackeen
Chair – Nominating Committee


Sunday, September 14, 2008

GEC Award

Want to win cash and other prizes for being the BEST club in your region and possibly the President's award (more cash and other prizes)for being the TOP USA club in the country.

Please review the details below and submit your nomination to your Regional Director copying the General Education Committee at

Deadlines have been extended.

Please click on Read More for details.

July 15, 2008

To - All Regional Directors
Copy - Executive Board, GEC, Other Committee Chairs and USA Office

Regional Directors' and President's Awards
Sponsored by the General Education Committee

The General Education Committee of the USA is pleased to advise the creation of eleven awards to be granted annually to showcase member clubs of the USA. There will be ten Regional awards and one National Presidents award.

These awards are intended to spotlight and reward Clubs which are conforming to all rules of good behavior and conduct with respect to its membership, its canines and the general public.

In addition these awards are designed to encourage every club to a higher standard of excellence in promoting their canines and club activities to both the membership and more importantly, to the general public thereby helping to dilute any anti-dog sentiment or breed specific resentment.

Comments from the Regional Directors in particular or any other of the addressees is much welcome prior to the information being circulated to the clubs and the membership. This will be done by next week.

It is envisaged that all nominations will be submitted by end of August 2008 and that the selection by the Regional Selection Committee will be completed by end September 2008. The winning clubs will be determined by October 15, 2008 so that awards can be made in November 2008 based on compliance with the criteria in 2007.

Details of the process and procedure are laid out below. This is also given in the attachment. Our thanks to all members of the GEC and in particular Marnie Rose and Melinda Dalby who led this effort. We are also grateful to other USA members who vetted the drafts and provided positive and constructive input.


Rifky Mackeen
Chair - GEC
Tel 201-220-7000


Nomination Process

A club may nominate themselves for the award or Members of the Regional Selection Committee ("RSC" - see below) can also nominate to the pool, a Club or Clubs, which in their opinion are worthy of consideration. All such nominations should be sent to the RSC and copied to the Chair of the General Education Committee.

Selection Process

Regional Directors' Award

A Regional Selection Committee ("RSC") consisting of the Regional Director, the Regional Breed Warden and Regional Training Director will be tasked with ensuring that all such clubs so nominated are evaluated using the selection criteria laid out below. In their due diligence process they may need consult the Judges Committee and the Board of Inquiry as well.

A simple majority vote is taken in case there is a tie and the Club which in the opinion of the RSC has the highest score by conforming/meeting with most of the selection criteria will be submitted to the General Education Committee ("GEC") for final evaluation and confirmation. The decision of the GEC determined by a simple majority vote of all GEC members is final and binding.

In keeping with the spirit of these awards; the GEC does not expect nor will it entertain any appeals from Clubs which consider that they have not had been fairly judged by the Regional Selection Committee.

President's Award

A Selection Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary and two active members of the GEC will choose, by simple majority approval, one of the Regional Clubs as the winner of the Presidents Award. This nomination will also need simple majority approval of all members of the GEC. The Club so selected maybe the one having the highest score but given the regional bias or weighting; the Selection Committee will take other aspects into consideration.

Form of Awards

Regional Directors Award

-Plaque/Trophy for Club House
-Certificates for Club and members and/or Pins/Badges for each member
-Cash award of $150 to be used for the purchase of equipment.

Presidents Award

- "GEC" Challenge Trophy
- Plaque/Trophy for Club House
- Certificates for Club and members and/or Pins/Badges for each member
- Cash award of $250 to be used for the purchase of equipment or to subsidize the entry fee into any National event.

Selection Criteria for Regional Directors Award

1-Compliance with USA rules:
The club can have NO valid Board of Inquiry complaints against it.
A published list of club officers is required.

1 point
5 pts for having a Club Legislative Liaison to handle Breed Specific Legislation or Anti Dog legal issues.

Annual membership fees?

1 point for $500 or above, 2 pts for $400 and above, 3 pts for $300 and above, 4 pts for $200 and above and 5 pts for under $200

Availability of a helper training program?

o 5 pts

2- Community Activity:

Education and helper demos orchestrated by the club for the membership.

1 pt per demo for the calendar year with an additional 5 pts awarded if there are more than 5 such demo's held in the same calendar year. These points will be doubled if these programs are targeted at the general public.

Recognition of volunteer work done with recognized rescues/ and shelters/ individuals.

2 pts per entity.

3-Member Demographics

How many H.O.T. s and Youth Members (with Sch 1) are in the club?

Points awarded will be based on the following grid for number of HOT and Youths ( as a percentage of the total Club membership)

Take the total number of qualifying HOT's and Youths and express it as a percentage of the total membership.

E.g. 3 qualifying HOT's and 1 qualifying Youth in Club with membership population of 25.

Percentage is 4/25 times 100 = 16 %.

Points awarded from grid = 3

Percentage Points awarded

1 -10 1
11-20 3
21 -30 5
31 - 40 7
41 - 50 9
51 - 60 11
61 - 70 14
71 - 80 17
Over 81 20

Availability of a Youth program?
o 1 pt per youth participating.

Are all breeds allowed?

o 10 pts

Is there a program encouraging membership in the USA for non-Club visitors and observers?
o 5 pts

4-What is the number of and quality of trials and conformation shows?

o 1 pt per trial, 1 pt per conformation shows?
o 2 pts for shows or trials held and considered of above average standard as determined by the Judge.

5-Good Sportsmanship

Good conduct by club members not just at their own club trial, but at other trials as well. The RSC will use their own criteria to make such a determination.
Any valid complaints or negative comments against the Club by Judges, Members or Public brought to the attention of any of the members of the RSC.

o Minus 3 pt per negative comment from a Judge.

o Minus 2 pt per negative comment from a Member of the Public

o Minus 1 pt per negative comment from a Member of the USA.

Other Comments

Presidents Award - The main prize for this award will be called the GEC Challenge Trophy until a corporate sponsor is found to underwrite the annual cost of these awards. The 2008 Awards are being budgeted at around $2000/$2500 and will be underwritten by the GEC until such sponsor is found. The GEC's name will be replaced by the sponsor's name (e.g. Royal Canin Challenge Trophy). The Trophy is a "Challenge" Trophy and will be returned by the winning Club after one year. The winner's details will be suitably inscribed in the base of the Trophy on an ongoing basis.

It is envisaged that the awards will be offered annually based on compliance with the selection criteria in the preceding year. For instance the 2008 awards will be based on applying the criteria for activities in 2007.

The 2008 awards will be presented at the Annual Meeting scheduled for November 2008 and so on. There will be deadlines laid for submission of each phase of the award process.

It is also probable that the GEC may change the selection criteria for each Award year based on feedback as to how practical they are in application.
Regions could, if they so desire, elect to notparticipate in these awards. This decision will be made by the Regional Selection Committee and submitted to the GEC.
Any interpretation of the Rules and criteria will be made by the GEC.

Winning Clubs can publish their awards in any media meant to promote the interests of the Club and the USA. Likewise the GEC will also publish such details in the Magazine, Website and Blog and in other media to showcase such activity and such Clubs.



German Sieger Show - 2008

VA 1 Vegas du Haut Mansard

VA 1 Lana von der Zenteiche

Working Class Males

VA 1 1290 Vegas du Haut Mansard
VA 2 1034 Odin vom Holtkämper Hof
VA 3 1216 Negus vom Holtkämper See
VA 4 1037 Ilbo vom Holtkämper See
VA 5 1237 Ingodds Agassi
VA 6 1028 Yerom vom Haus Salihin
VA 7 1023 Yukon von der Bastillie
VA 8 1049 Quantum vom Fiemereck
VA 9 1050 Furbo degli Achei
VA 10 1005 Godalis Tino
VA 11 1188 Nando vom Gollerweiher

For complete details - click here

Working Class Females

VA 1 2019 Lana von der Zenteiche
VA 2 2045 Zambia vom Milewo
VA 3 2070 Viana vom Fichtenschlag
VA 4 2056 Anika van de Herdersfarm
VA 5 2036 Chanel degli Achei
VA 6 2024 Schiwa vom Osterberger-Land
VA 7 2146 Ussi von Pallas Athene
VA 8 2244 Lea d' Ulmental
VA 9 2071 Tiana vom Fichtenschlag
VA 10 2120 Celin vom Suentelstein
VA 11 2091 Alisha vom Eichenplatz
VA 12 2253 Biene vom Valtenberg

For complete details - click here


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Posting by the Nominations Committee

Candidate Information.

The Nominations Committee has afforded all potential candidates the opportunity of declaring their intentions and publishing their resumes and achievements in the Magazine, website and in this blog.

Resumes on an “as received basis” are posted in sections below this summary posting.

All names are shown in alphabetical order and not in order of any preference.

President – 2

Randall L. Hoadley

Lyle Roetemeyer

Treasurer - William Plumb

Director of Judges - Mark F. Przybylski

Directors at Large - 2

Al Govednik

Nathaniel Roque

Board of Inquiry - 6

Jim Alloway

Chris Bettin

Terry Fisk

Gail Kendall

Jan Mountjoy

Thomas Payne

See the sections below for the resumes.

The Nominating Committee thanks these candidates for their proactive efforts to keep the members apprised of their suitability and also wishes to thank the Magazine, Website and General Education Committees for publishing the content.

Readers have the ability to post comments. Any comments considered to be personal or offensive to the candidates or detrimental to the USA will be edited or deleted.


Section - President


Two candidates

Please click on read more for their details.

All names are shown in alphabetical order and not in order of any preference.

Randall L. Hoadley

My name is Randall L. Hoadley, and I hereby declare my intention to run for the President of The United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USA). I have been a member of USA since 1988. I am currently a member of the South Central Region and my club is DFW Working Dogs, Inc. a 501 C-4 club. Some of my accomplishments in Schutzhund are as follows:
I have trained HOT dogs, Niko Vom Haus Ledda (Niko) and Arak Von Der Daelenberghutte (Arak) to win Regional Championships and National Competitor Niko and Arak were both dogs V’d tracking. I have also trained other dogs to the Sch 3 club such as Ellessar Vom Haus Ledda (Ellessar) and helped many teams to IFR, FCI and WUSV events. Those teams went to these events and passed the events.
I am the Training Director of DFWWorkingDogs, Inc. where year after year we maintain at least an 88% pass rate while averaging 25 titles per year. When USA formed the Helper Program I became a USA Teaching Helper. As a helper I have done helper work at clubs, multiple regional events and helper work at the National level for both USA and AWDF events. Was also one of two South Central helpers to complete the helper program that was designed to replicate the SV helper program.
South Central Region Regional Director before becoming the USA Vice President. Entered the USA Judges program and completed the program in one year.
I am a University of Texas at San Antonio graduate as an accountant with extensive experience gathering and consolidating financial information in multi-national environments. I have a proven track record in managing large teams of professionals in challenging and high profile situations. I have a reputation for completing projects in a timely fashion with accurate results and I hold myself to the highest professional standards of integrity.
Throughout my career as an accountant I have grown from an staff accountant to the Chief Financial Officer of large corporations and presently am on the path to Executive Vice President of Finance for a multi-million and multi-entity organization with employees stationed all over the world. As President of USA I will work to achieve the following goals:
• Bring back accountability to the organization and its members.
• Increase membership substantially each year which will increase revenue.
• Re-evaluate the Breed Registry Program – cost-benefit analysis.
• USA underwrites all National Events.
• Set guidelines/policies for all rules and regulations that are applied equally across all members.
• Communication will be greatly increased to all members of the organization.
I would like to thank the nominating committee for reviewing and requesting my intention to run for President of USA. If you have any questions you can contact me at 214-440-7447 to discuss.

Lyle Roetemeyer

I am 53 years old. My wife Debbie and I have been USA members since 1982. We have been married for 34 years and live in White Bluff, TN. We have two daughters. Amoreena joined USA in 1989 and is actively training. She is the proud mother of two of our grandsons Dylan and Mason. Dylan and Mason have been members of USA since 2005 and 2006 respectively and are active training their German shepherd dogs in the Cumberland Valley SchH and Police Club. Our youngest daughter Amber recently took a break from Schutzhund to raise our newest grandson Gunner. Gunner is 11 months old and already loves the German shepherd dogs. We are active in the local community and were heavily involved with coaching and board duties with the local Little League for several years as our children were growing up. We are still involved in the community with our local USA club and local law enforcement with educational seminars and demonstrations for the local school children.
I have been employed by the Kroger Company since 1984. I have served in the capacity of store and department management since 1988 and have been utilized for special projects within our division. I currently manage a department with eight employees that averages over 3.6 million dollars in retail sales per year. As a Kroger employee, I have completed many business, marketing and leadership courses that are relative to the business of USA.
I was a charter member of the River City Schutzhund Club in Evansville, IN that was formed in 1982. I served as co-training director and club helper. In 1983, I attended my first USA General Board Meeting in Peoria, IL as a delegate for River City. My family moved to Bowling Green, KY in 1984 and we joined the Western KY Schutzhund Club where I served as club training and trial helper under the direction of Gene England. We later moved to White Bluff, TN and started the Cumberland Valley Schutzhund & Police Club. I have trained and titled seven GSD's. Two of my GSD's, I trained from puppy to SchH 3. I have been a trial helper at one national event and several regional events and have trained several club helpers. Two of my club helpers were selected as trial helpers for numerous regional events and three national events. I am a USA Teaching Helper.
I have served as Trial Chairman at 2 Regional Championships (1996 and 2001), a regional conformation championship (2002), an AWDF Championship (2005), a USA World Qualifier (1999), a USA GSD Championship (2002), a USA HOT, Youth and OB Championship (2006), a USA GSD National Championship (2004) and the USA Sieger Show on successive weekends. That makes five national events and three regional events that I have served as trial chairman and served as the local club co host chairman at the 2004 Sieger show. I was responsible for bringing Royal Canin on board to sponsor the 2004 USA Sieger Show and GSD National Championship and eventually brought them on board as USA's Primary sponsor.
I also was responsible for bringing them on board as main sponsor of the 2008 WUSV Championship. My work bringing Royal Canin on board with USA has netted our organization more than $130,000 in sponsorship funds since 2004.
I have been a delegate at many USA General Board meetings during my 25 year plus USA membership before being elected to the position of USA Mid Eastern Regional Director in 1999 and again in 2001, USA Vice President in 2002 and 2004. While serving as Vice President I also served as Chair of the Helper Committee and was responsible for bringing the current committee into being. With their help we introduced our current USA Helper Program. I assumed the position of USA President in 2005 when Jim Elder resigned as President and I was elected as USA President in 2006.
Before becoming a member of the EB in 1999, I served as Assistant Mid Eastern Regional Director. In 1994, I was elected as to the position of National Helper Director. I served 4 years as a member of the Board of Inquiry. I served six years as a member of the Nominating Committee. Four years as chair of that committee. I also served two years as a member of the Judges Committee. My vast experience as a member of many of USA's elected committees before becoming an EB member have given me a thorough knowledge of the working parts of USA. As President, my appointments to committees and formation of new committees have proved extremely valuable to USA. I have also initiated friendly and open discussions with the President of the WDA.
I have been delegate for USA to the AWDF since 2001. I was elected as Vice President of the AWDF in 2006. Through USA's strengthening of our involvement in the AWDF and my dedication to open and honest discussion with the leadership of the WUSV, SV and the FCI Working Commission we have developed healthy and harmonious relationships and the support that is necessary to maintain USA's position in both the national and world communities.


Section - Treasurer


One candidate

Please click on read more for details.

William Plumb

USA Member since 1996, USA Treasurer since 2000 In 2000 I retired after a 30 year career in Banking and Structured Corporate Lending with my final position being Senior Vice President. I also served five years in the U S Coast Guard and I was a Police Officer for a little over 5 years. I am a graduate of Wayne State University School of Business with concentrations in Finance and Economics. I am currently President of the Libertyville (Illinois) Police Pension Fund Board.
When I first became Treasurer in 2000 I found that, much to my surprise, USA was in deep financial trouble. Our regular income was less than our ongoing expenses. We did not have enough cash to pay our bills so we were living on our credit card. We had been kept afloat by the Lifetime Member program. Not long after becoming Treasurer we were hit by taxes and penalties by the IRS for a past audit that was contested at the time and we lost. We did not have the cash to pay the IRS so we set up a payment plan. The Officers and Directors faced up to the problem once we analyzed our finances and found our problems. Our members came through with contributions so we could pay the IRS debt early and we were able to get a refund of part of the penalties.
We now have substantial cash reserves and the results of our last IRS audit yielded only some minor comments.
The position of Treasurer is now proactive instead of reactive. If reelected I will continue to operate in that mode. We do not want to ever again get in the position we were in the late 90's and 2000.


Section - Director of Judges

Director of Judges

One candidate

Please click on read more for details.

Mark F. Przybylski

In over 30 years in Schutzhund and a member of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America, I have had many personal accomplishments that I am proud of as so many of us do, however, the things that I have done to help and hopefully improve the organization are more important to me personally.

As USA Director of Judges, I introduced and incorporated women into the USA Performance and Breed Judges program that are respected and very much in demand as judges.

Along with past USA Judges committees, we have streamlined the USA Performance Judges program for USA Apprentice Judges and closed some loopholes that it had and made it more comprehensive.

In my tenure as USA Director of Judges, we have named 11 USA Performance Judges and 3 Breed Judges.

The USA Performance Judges program has also added a fast track for judges from other organizations to join the ranks of USA Performance and Breed Judges.

I have also received requests from judges and members from other organizations and foreign countries to join the USA Judges program and currently have accepted one individual from the SV as a USA Performance Judge and another from Canada as a USA Apprentice Performance Judge.

USA Judges are constantly being requested for foreign assignments and this has not been just the arena for a few, but all USA Judges with the qualifications are included in the selection process for International events.

The USA Judges committee has become a more viable entity and communicates frequently amongst one another and all decisions are discussed and arrived at through majority opinion with each person being given their say and respected in what they say.

Increased attendance at the annual USA Judges meeting which has helped to provide for more consistent judging overall by all of our USA Judges.

Also, with respect to the USA Judges meeting, have tried to help USA financially by putting a cap on expenses per judge for this meeting instead of trying to cover all expenses incurred by attending this meeting.

We have instituted a USA Judges Teaching Judges program which should provide better mentors for our USA Judge Apprentices.

We have also made it a constant that USA as other countries already did, make sure that USA Judges are the major factor in selecting the USA World team by being two of the three judges at every one of our national events, thereby insuring that we as an organization choose our world team.

There may be things that I have left out, but the above are there to highlight some of the things I have or tried to accomplish, thank you for your time and cooperation in the past and most of all, your friendship through the years.


 Became USA member in April / 1978
 Joined Mo-Kan Schutzhund Association as Founding member in 1978
 Entered First Schutzhund Trial in April, 1980
 Training Director/Mo-Kan Schutzhund Association since 1981
 President/Mo-Kan Schutzhund Association since 1990
 USA Mid-Central Regional Director from 1988 to 1996
 USA Director of Judges from 1996 to Present
 Member of USA Executive Board from 1988 to Present
 Qualified 2 dogs for the USA National Championship
 Two – time member of the USA SchH 3 Club
 Member of USA Breed Advisory Committee from 1996 to Present
 Member of USA Helper Committee from 2001 to Present
 USA Teaching Helper – 2004 to Present
 1996 – Trial Chairman / Mid-Central Regional Championship
 1997 – Trial Chairman / USA SchH 3 National Championship
 1998 – Trial Chairman / USA World Qualifier
 2000 – Trial Chairman / USA World Qualifier
 2000 – Show Chairman / USA Sieger show


 Helper at numerous local trials and Regional Championships
 1985 USA National Schutzhund 3 Championship ( Front Half )
 1986 USA World Qualifier Zone Trial ( Back Half )
 1988 USA North American Schutzhund 3 Championship ( Back Half )
 1989 USA National Schutzhund 3 Championship ( Back Half )
 1990 USA World Qualifier ( ALTERNATE )
 1994 AWDF Championship ( Schutzhund 3 category ) ( Back Half )
 1996 USA World Qualifier ( Front Half )


 Tracklayer at numerous local trials and Regional Championships
 1987 USA National Schutzhund 3 Championship
 1989 USA North American Championship
 1992 USA FH Championship
 1994 USA North American Schutzhund 3 Championship
 1994 USA National Schutzhund 3 Championship
 1997 USA North American Championship
 1998 USA World Qualifier
 2000 USA World Qualifier


 Received USA Judges license in May / 1992
 Judge on the average about 8 trials per year
 1995 Judge at USA National FH Championship
 1995 Protection Judge at USA National Championship ( SchH 1 & 2 )
 1995 --- Judged in Australia
 1995 Seminar : Schutzhund Training : Melbourne, Australia
 1996 Tracking Judge at USA National SchH 3 Championship
 1998 Judge at the National Championship of South Africa
 1998 Seminar : Schutzhund Training : Johannesburg, South Africa
 1999 Obedience & Protection Judge at USA World Qualifier
 2000 Performance Judge at USA Seiger show
 2001 Performance Judge at USA Sieger show
 2001 Protection Judge at USA SchH 3 National Championship
 2002 Seminar : Schutzhund Handling & Training : Mexico
 2002 Performance Judge at USA Sieger show
 Judged over 15 USA Regional Championships to date
 Elected USA Director of Judges in 1996 to Present
 2004 Performance Judge at USA Sieger show
 2005 Performance Judge at USA Sieger show
 2005 Judge at the National Championship of Australia in Melbourne
 2005 Seminar : Handling and Training : Melbourne, Australia
 2006 Performance Judge at USA Sieger show
 2006 Obedience Judge at the USA H. O. T. National Championship
 2006 Obedience Judge at the USA National German Shepherd Dog Championship
 2006 Named as FCI – recognized judge
 2006 – USA Teaching Judge – inaugural year
 2007 Performance Judge at USA Seiger show
 2007 Attended FCI Judges meeting – Dortmund, Germany
 2008 Protection Judge at AWDF National Championship
 2008 Performance Judge at USA Seiger show
 2008 Protection Judge at the USA national German Shepherd Dog Championship


 1980 – Entered 1st Schutzhund Trial ( Hans Rudenauer )
 1982 – 1985 Competed w/ import Yazz v.d. Jagerbuche SchH 3
 1983 – Qualified for the USA SchH 3 National Championship w/ Yazz v.d. Jagerbuche SchH 3
 1984 – Obtained BH and SchH 1 on Quino v. Fichtenschlag ( 1st dog from scratch )
 1985 – Obtained SchH 2 on Quino v. Fichtenschlag
 1986 – Obtained SchH 3 on Quino v. Fichtenschlag
 1987 – Obtained SchH 3 on Britta von Klemenz
 1987 – 1990 Obtained SchH 2, SchH 3, BH, WH & IPO 3 on Britta v. Klemenz
 1988 – Competed in the USA Mid-Central Regional Championship
 1989 – Obtained BH and SchH 1 on Abinoxious Jagerbuche
 1990 – Trained Abinoxious Jagerbuche as drug dog and sold to private company for drug work
 1990 - Titled Booch das Tier ( own breeding ) to SchH 1
 1990 – Trained Booch das Tier as drug dog for Iowa Sheriff Dept.
 1991 – Obtained SchH 1 on Yoni v. Landheim
 1992 – Obtained SchH 2 on Yoni v. Landheim
 1993 – Obtained SchH 3 on Yoni v. Landheim
 1994 – Obtained BH, WH, CD and on Xanto v. Haus Iris SchH 2
 1995 – Obtained AD on Xanto v. Iris
 1996 – 2000 Competed w/ import Sonny v. Hollbachgrunde and obtained FH1 and FH 2
 1996 – Competed in the Mid-Central Regional Championship w/ Sonny v. Hollbachgrunde
 1997 – Competed in the USA FH Championship w/ Sonny v. Hollbachgrunde
 1998 – Competed in the USA FH Championship w/ Sonny v.
Hollbachgrunde, finished 2nd
 1999 – Competed in the USA FH Championship w/ Sonny v. Hollbachgrunde, finished 4th
 2000 – Competed in the USA FH Championship w/ Sonny v. Hollbachgrunde, finished 4th
 2000 – Obtained SchH1 on dog George o.d. Roubenky
 2001 – Obtained SchH 2 on dog George o.d. Roubenky
 2002 – Obtained SchH 3 on dog George o.d. Roubenky
 2002 – Qualified and Competed in the USA SchH 3 National Championship w/ George od Roubenky SchH 3
 2003 – Obtained FH on dog George o.d. Roubenky
 2004 – Obtained SchH 2 on Czech import bitch Nensy Siac
 2004 – Obtained SchH 3 on Czech import bitch Nensy Siac
 2005 – Obtained AD on new dog Olgameister’s Falko
 2005 – Obtained BH on new dog Olgameister’s Falko
 2008 – Obtained TR 1 on Olgameister’s Falko


Section-Directors at Large

Directors at Large

Two candidates

Please click on read more for details.

All names are shown in alphabetical order and not in order of any preference.

Al Govednik

I feel as we have accomplished quite a lot over the last 2 years. Thanks to everyone's support, I wear many hats, in our dog community so to speak. I feel as if I have been helping move us in a better position both in America and abroad, and I would like the opportunity to continue with the work I have started. I am again seeking all of your support for the office of Executive Board member at Large. I'll try to summarize everything I have worked on during this passed term.

As mentioned above, I am involved in numerous areas within our working dog community. In many cases I have found relationships developed in one area, lead to new opportunities for all of us. I write that because I feel one of my duties is to help provide as many opportunities for our members and their dogs as possible. When I mention opportunities, I am not strictly writing about competition. I will elaborate on some of the opportunities that have come to us in the last few years below.

I believe I helped to develop a better working relationship with DVG America, and persuaded them to join the AWDF. We had to do some work with our AWDF Bylaws, to make it possible to include the DVG, but we worked through that. The latest addition is the Cane Corso club. By working with particularly the DVG, we are basically sharing resources. These include contacts on the international level as well as here at home.

The AWDF took 4th place in the FCI IPO championship. It was an honor to be asked by our team to accompany them onto the stadium field during the championship parade and closing ceremonies. I mention the AWDF team, because even though these people representing America did not all have GSD's, they all were USA members. Actually USA members by far have been the predominate group representing the AWDF at all FCI events. As a note, while in Italy, I was asked to give a interview for an Italian television network. In the interview, I described how hard our organization works towards the preservation of the working dog in America, and explained to our Italian friends, that we are the people, ie the largest organization in America, that represents the working dog.

Over the last 2 years, I have attended 4 FCI working commission meetings, and I was able to sit in, and voice opinions on numerous topics, including the IPOV, the FH2 start, Mondioring, removal of the stick hits, and the promotion of all working dog sport programs in Europe as well as those of our fellow AWDF member clubs. We have developed a good relationship with the FCI working commission in that we are active with trading ideas' rules etc. Case in point, the FCI working commission was looking for some ideas to create a international championship event manual. With the USA's permission, I provided the FCI working commission a copy of our national events manual. We were given a copy of the finished FCI working commission manual, and there were several parts of the USA's manual, that they were able to adopt into their own program. We also have shared judges, and helper programs as well. As an organization, we are in a good position regarding rule changes, updates etc. This was not always the case in the past.

One area that I felt we needed to do better with, was getting more of our membership involved with the international working dog movement. While it's important that we do well on the competition field, we have made ourselves an asset for the FCI working commission. Several of our members are now getting an opportunity to work with the FCI working commission.

During the last 2 years, we were able to get 5 USA judges, FCI recognized, through the working commission. We also received an invitation to send more judges to the FCI judges meetings in the future.

America now has two internationally recognized Mondioring judges. I believe both were USA members.

At the working commission meeting in Torino, Italy, I provided a list of 10 AWDF member club helpers that were to be added to an international helper list. Please note 8 of these 10 helpers are USA members/helpers

We are also now involved with the FCI Rescue commission, and have made contact with the IRO, as well as the SV with regards to Search and Rescue. The RH (S&R) program is the same program is that SV judge Walter Hoffmann worked with our USA judges twice in the past. Several USA members have expressed interest in working with these organizations, so again we are opening doors for fellow USA members.

I believe a real highlight of this last term was developing our own working dog program. Gary Patterson, Lyle Roetemeyer, Mark Przybylski, Ann Marie Chaffin, Bill Webber & myself all worked together to make this a reality. As a note, the FCI working commission was quite impressed with our collective work.

A big area of concern is what I call the anti working dog legislation's that seem to be popping up all over our country. Our AWDF legislative committee has been active in doing everything in our power to make sure our working dogs are safe from poorly drafted legislation. As part of my commitment to this, I am an executive director of the American Working Dog Association ( ADOA)

In September of 2007, I had the opportunity to present the out going working commission president, and our good friend, Eberhard Strasser, with a retirement gift. This was a special situation for our organization, as well as for myself. Herr Strasser was quite instrumental in our inclusion in many FCI working commission committees and programs. He is truly our friend, and I was quite honored to be allowed to attend this function. The new working commission president, Frans Jansen, has assured me, that our participation in the FCI working commission is essential to the working dog. Mr. Jansen plans to continue to help us, in the same way as Herr Strasser was able to.

Over the last term, I was able to help form 2 new USA clubs in my area, and am proud to say I am part of our 2008 WUSV tracking team.

Listed below are some of the personal things I'm able to do with our membership. I am quite active with my own dogs, and am the training director of my own multi-breed club Machtig Strom Schutzhund Verein. Our club generally holds 3 or 4 trials, plus a few seminars a year. When I say active, I have shown my own USA registered HOT males, Armor vom Govednik, & Hex Aites Bohemia 12 times in the past 2 years, in 3 different regions, including the IPOFH world championship. I have done tracking seminars, helper seminars, RH seminars, and as a teaching judge, I am able to work with novice judges. I spend almost every day working with GSD's or GSD people in one way or another. All of these things offers me a a unique position because it gives me an opportunity to visit with people from all over the country regarding the USA. I feel as if I am given a certain amount of respect from my fellow USA members, because I really am quite active in our community.

In closing I hope to have earned all of your support for this upcoming term, and continue to explore new opportunties for our members.

Nathaniel Roque, Ph.D
32808 Crown Valley Rd., Acton, Ca. 93510

During my 15 years of involvement in the United Schutzhund Clubs of America, I have titled eight (8) dogs at all levels of the sport including Handler Owner Trained from Bh to SchH 3 , FH and FH 2, entering and competing in more than eighty (80) trials with various dogs at the Club, Regional and National Championships. I have be fortunate to have earned USA SchH III Club Membership, all four USA Sports Medals (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Masters)

I have been active at both the local and national level for the United Schutzhund Clubs of America, holding several positions including, Vice President, Regional Director, Assistant to the DOJ, Training Director for Southwest Working Dog Association and a officer in three additional local clubs, I am a United Schutzhund Clubs of America and American Working Malinois Performance Judge as well as the current United Schutzhund Clubs of America Helper Program Director and a Teaching Helper.

I am currently serving in the position of an Executive Board Member at Large and would be honored to continue in that position. If reelected I will continue to work for the membership in the best interest of the organization and the working German Shepherd Dog in the United States of America. I have stated my position many times in the past at meetings as well as in articles published in our magazine, I believe that USA is a service business serving the GSD and our membership and as such needs to be efficient, fair and sensitive to all of our members needs.

Thank you for supporting me in the past and I hope that you will again support me in this election by allowing me to serve another term as a Executive Board Member at Large.


Board Of Inquiry - 6 vacancies

Board of Inquiry

Six candidates

Please click on read more for their details.

All names are shown in alphabetical order and not in order of any preference.

Jim Alloway
25170 Neel Road § Richwood, OH 43344
§ 614.403.5557 § -

Highly accomplished, customer-focused executive with experience in operations, P&L management, strategic positioning, and long-term planning for both startup and growth organizations. Results-oriented, decisive leader, with demonstrated success in team building, coaching and development, tactical thinking, and problem solving. Proven track record of increasing customer satisfaction, implementing “lean” warehousing techniques, service-leadership, sales analysis, exceptional attitude, entrepreneurial spirit, and profitability. Core competencies include:
• Extensive experience in project/operations management, warehousing, and distribution.
• Proven ability to successfully hire, train, coach, develop, and lead large numbers of diverse teams.
• Proven ability to manage large projects and complete them on time and within budget.
• Analytical thinker adept at integrating operations, improving processes and reducing costs to increase profitability.

Ross Builders and Design, LLC – Columbus, OH 9/07 – present President Responsible for setting vision, direction, objectives, and goals. Duties include long-term planning, building and maintaining a cohesive leadership team, creating organizational clarity, reengineering of all operational, sales, financial, marketing, and human resource systems. Success measured by company profitability, associate satisfaction, growth of the company, and public perception. Key Achievements:
• Established/implemented mission and vision statements.
• Established business plan outlining 1, 3, and 5 year plans.
• Established/implemented new financial, sales, and marketing systems.
• Incresed gross sales from $500,000 to $1.5M in first year. Automotive Distributors Warehouse - Columbus, OH 7/03 – 9/07 Operations Manager – (8/05 – 9/07) Responsible for all operational aspects of a $16 million dollar segment of our business. Duties include long-term business planning, vision/direction, team building, process improvement, contract negotiation, product procurement, supply chain management, materials planning, project coordination and implementation. Key Achievements:
o Developed company’s first “Bill of Rights” as a backdrop for continual focus on customer needs/wants.
o Compiled company’s first “Operations Manual.” Required extensive analysis of current processes and procedures as well as innovation, quantification, and orchestration of many improvements.
o Responsible for continuous improvement in team morale, spirit, focus, mission, and ultimately performance.
o Responsible for evaluating, purchasing, and implementing a new phone system. This was a year-long project that involved 6 vendors, 16 locations, 120 associates, and was budgeted at $250,000.
o Reduced yearly Call Center expenses by $240,000.
o Reduced yearly training costs by $5000.
o Increased Call Center service levels to customers by 23%.
o Developed metrics for future training/development of Call Center associates.
o Customer satisfaction surveys indicated an 18% increase in satisfaction in one year.
o Coordinated and implemented company’s first formal review and evaluation system.
Customer Experience Manager Responsible for all aspects of customer experience. Duties include determining customer needs, team building, evaluation and documentation of operating processes and procedures at 16 different locations, establishing consistent, efficient operating procedures, implementing continuous improvement programs, education of “lean” concepts, and establishing vision/direction for the future. Sales Manager (7/03-8/05) Responsible for four outside sales representatives and direct account responsibility for 20 accounts. Duties included long term planning, goal setting, hiring, motivating, coaching, and mentoring. Developed and implemented a new review/evaluation system. Developed promotions that required coordination with other sales teams, operations, procurement, and inside call center personnel. Key Achievements:
o • Increased sales in a highly competitive market 54% in 3 years.
o Developed company’s first alliance meetings with customers.
o Made successful sales presentations to groups of 5 to 30 customers at a time.
Midwest Canine, Inc. - Columbus, OH 1/98 – 7/03 Owner – Executive Protection Dog Importing/Training/Sales Full responsibility for all areas of company ownership including company vision, sales, operations management, long term planning, goal setting, customer service, accounting, marketing and advertising. Maintained a clientele of over 75 clients per month, which demanded excellent communication and organizational skills, strong selling techniques, and interpersonal skills necessary to build and maintain strong business relationships. Key Achievements:
o Increased annual sales from zero to $354,000 in 5 years.
o Substantially improved productivity while reducing expenses by 18%.
Justice Evelyn Stratton, Supreme Court of Ohio - Columbus, OH 8/97 – 12/97 Judicial Extern Reviewed jurisdictionals and made recommendations based on research. Responsible for approximately 15 cases per week while attending school full time. Read and reviewed each case that was submitted to the Ohio Supreme Court. Made recommendations as to the impact the case would have on the state and whether or not the case should be heard by the court. Crabbe, Brown, Jones, Potts & Schmidt - Columbus, OH 5/97 – 12/97 Law Clerk Conducted legal research and prepared legal memoranda and pleadings for medium-sized law firm specializing in insurance defense and general civil and business litigation. Conducted research in the areas of commercial law, employment law, products liability, trade secrets, maritime law, white-collar crime, consumer law, municipal corporations, tort law, construction, litigation and trial/evidence issues, federal criminal law and government affairs.
Juris Doctor (JD) § The Ohio State University § Columbus, OH Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA) § Vanderbilt University § Nashville, TN

o NARI Member (2007 to present)
o TEC (VISTAGE) Member (2005 to 2006)
o Crestcom Learning Center (2005)

Microsoft Word, Excel, Project, Access, and PowerPoint Personal and professional references available upon request

Chris Bettin

Iowa State University
BA in Advertising 1998
• President of Epsilon Chapter, Beta Sigma Psi national fraternity

Associate Creative Director
Moroch Partners, Dallas, TX
• One of the top 25 Independent advertising agencies in the country

DFW Working Dogs, Dallas, TX
• Involved in sport since 2004
• Titled first dog to SchH3, IPO3
• Achieved BH with second dog, preparing to compete for titles this season
• Reached Regional-level helper certification in USA Helper Program in under 2 years
• Worked 14 trials, including 3 Regional Championships and 2005 USRC National Championship
Contact details - 214.529.4750

Terry Fisk

My name is Terry Fisk and I have been a member of United Schutzhund Clubs of America and the Der Hundesport Performance Klub in Southern California since 2001. At this time I am the Secretary and Webmaster for the Southwest Region and DHPK. Besides my involvement with DHPK and the Southwest Region I have been involved in dog sports and dog club affairs since 1977. This includes a three-year term as President with the West Coast Australian Shepherd Association and other board and committee positions with local and national clubs. Duties of the above require direct and indirect communication with club members, board members and representatives of the affiliate and parent clubs well as representing our local club at our national and/or regional meeting. My involvement also includes show and trial secretary, organizing and assisting at shows, trials and seminars on the local and regional level.
My profession and business requires maintaining a harmonious relationship between employees and customers, good organizational, written and verbal communication skills, designing and presenting promotional material and engaging in public speaking. No doubt these are qualities that would also be an asset to the BOI committee.
I understand the duties of the position and am confident that my experience will enable me to assist the United Schutzhund Clubs of America and the BOI Committee in a confidential, professional and impartial manner. Thank you for your consideration.

Gail Kendall

I would like to make known my intention to be considered for placement on the BOI.
I am a retired high school teacher, administrator and university professor. I have had the experience of working in many leadership positions. That position means that you become a good listener, that you investigate situations thoroughly before making any decision and that you have the integrity to honor confidentiality when appropriate.
I created the Secretarial Tutorial for the USA web site. While putting the tutorial together, I became quite a student of every possible rule, regulation, by-law and/or procedure within our organization.
I have been in the Schutzhund world for almost 30 years and a member of the Phoenix Schutzhund Club since 1983. I am the current club secretary and the permanent trial secretary. I have trained three different breeds in Schutzhund at every level and have competed twice at the Nationals.
I feel I would be a new face and a good addition to the BOI team. Schutzhund has been very good to me and this would be one way that I could give back.

Jan Mountjoy

Purchased first German Shepherd in 1957.
Bred first litter in 1962.
Owned German German Shepherds virtually continuously since 1964.
Dabbled in Schutzhund training in 1971-1972 at Peninsula Police Canine Corps and in 1973 attended first Schutzhund trial, which happened to be the first USA North American.
Acquired young, untrained male from Germany in 1989, joined the Menlo Park Schutzhund Club in 1989 with a passion for the breed and a passion for Schutzhund, and have been an active member of this club since. I have been lucky enough to have spent time training with Gary Park, Terry Macias, Dean Calderon, Ivan Balabanov, and more recently Joel Monroe.
Titled my two dogs to Schutzhund I in 1991 or 1992.
Showed dogs at many local shows and two USA Siegers Shows, as well as twice at the German Sieger Show.
Member USA, SV, WDA, Menlo Park Schutzhund Club.
All of which doesn't begin to tell the story of my almost life long love affair with our wonderful breed, the German Shepherd Dog. If I can contribute to the betterment of our breed by serving on the BOI, then I will be happy to give 100%.

Jan Mountjoy

VP-Xano von Batu SchHI
V-Lissy vom Hasentanz, SchHI KKIa
V-Nita von Impact, SchHI KKIa
V-Lavina von der Wienerau, SchHI KKIa
Diva von Talisman SchHI
V-Eiko vom Salzhügel SchHII KK1

Thomas Payne
Thomas Payne,

San Diego State University, 1972, BA, Psychology
Adult Education Teaching Credential, State of California

San Diego Police Department, 1972-2002, Retired Sergeant
12 years Canine Unit, Supervisor and trainer of 45 Canine Teams
6 years Investigations, Crimes against Persons, Property Crime, Traffic

United Schutzhund Clubs of America, 15 years
Aztec Schutzhund Club, 23 years
San Diego Schutzhund, 1 year

Schutzhund 3 Club, 1994 and 2008
Gold Sports Medal, 2005
Participated in:
2 USA Nationals
1 DVG National
1 WDA National
3 California State Police Olympics, Canine Handler
1 International Police Olympics, Canine Handler
6 Southwest Regional Trials
Developed and Implemented Canine Unit for San Diego Police Department, 1984.
I have trained and handled 8 dogs and titled them as Schutzhund dogs and Police Service dogs.
I am a club level helper.
I am currently the President and Training Director of Aztec Schutzhund Club and the Training Director for San Diego Schutzhund Club.


Friday, September 12, 2008

AB 1634 IS DEAD!

Thanks to efforts lead by Mike Gardener of the USA and others...AB1634 is dead.


Dear Mike,

Today, the 11th Amended version of AB 1634, the mandatory
sterilization bill authored by Assemblymember Lloyd Levine died in the
California State Senate.

Thank you for all of your efforts to defeat AB 1634! However, our
fight is not over. PetPAC continues to lead the fight to defeat
mandatory sterilization legislation in California and throughout our


Bill Hemby