Sunday, December 20, 2009

USA SVF Licenses

Message from the Director of Judges

" There have been a lot of questions on some of the Web Forums regarding the SV licensing of our USA Judges and the use of the acronym SVF as well as their names on the SV Judges List. I have used the acronym SVF and in the upcoming issue of the USA Magazine I used the acronym USA/SV Judge since at that time it was not clear what would be the most correct. I have now received a copy of the letter confirming the license of one of our judges and in order to properly designate our USA Judges that are SV Recognized to award titles in the United States we will use the acronym SVR (for SV Recognized). All of our Judges that attended the SV Seminar and passed are SV Recognized to award titles in the United States that will be recognized for Breed Survey by the SV.

The description on the license is : vom SV anerkannter Auslands - Leistungarichter
it is my understanding that the correct translation of this is: SV recognized foreign performance judge.

A copy of the letter from the SV is available. Please click here.

What are membership needs to remember is that what is most important is these judges are recognized by the SV so all awarded titles will be accepted the same as they are from any other SV Judge for the purpose of Breed Surveys.

Before the SV will list the USA Judges they needed to become SV Members so that they could issue licenses. Mr Grewe and Mr Hintz were already SV Members so they will be listed in the Jan 2010 SV List (Jan 2010 SV Zeitung). All Judges living outside of Germany will be listed with an "L" after their name. The remainder of the USA Judges that are SV Recognized will be listed as soon as their SV Membership is processed.

All titles awarded by USA Licensed Judges are and have always been recognized in any WUSV Member Organization for the purpose of sport. It is important to remember that USA Judges have been invited to judge at the WUSV World Championship under their USA License which proves the validity of the organization and its Judges College.

In the future the USA Judges that have earned SV Recognition will use the acronym "SVR" to make it easier for the membership to determine if that Judge and / or title is SV Recognized for SV Breed Requirements. Also please remember that if you plan on using the USA only Breed Survey titles from any USA Judge are accepted.

I hope this answers some of the questions that have been asked.

Nathaniel Roque
Director of Judges - United Schutzhund Clubs of America
USA - Working Dog Judge # 30,
SVR - SV Recognized Working Dog Judge
AWMA - Working Dog Judge # 2"


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Winners - Regional Directors and President's Awards

November 2, 2009

The General Education Committee will like to announce the 2009 winners of the Regional Directors and Presidents Awards.

Regional Winners
Mid Eastern - OG Buckeye
New England - Liberty Schutzhund Club
North Central - OG Bierstadt
Pacific Northwest - Big Sky Schutzhund Club
Southeastern - Iron Dog Schutzhund Club
Southwestern - Arizona Schutzhund Club

Presidents Award
The winner is - OG Buckeye

Each of the Regional winners will receive a check for $250 along with a Plaque and Pins for the members. These will be sent directly by the USA Office to the club contact listed in the Nomination sheet

The President’s award winner will receive an additional cash prize of $350.

These prizes are intended for the clubs to use as they consider fit and to assist their goals of promoting Schutzhund. Well done indeed.

We would also like to thank all of the Regional Directors who assisted us in identifying the winners and who encouraged their clubs to participate. We are hopeful that more clubs will participate in the future.

This was another GEC team effort lead by Terry Fisk as the Project leader.


Rifky Mackeen

Chair - GEC


Report of the General Education Committee (“GEC”)

November 1, 2009
The GEC membership is currently as follows –

Cathy Cross, Melinda Dalby, Terry Fisk, Katja Hunsecker- Secretary
Rifky Mackeen – Chair, Lyle Roetemeyer

The GEC, which was Lyle Roetemeyer’s creation, is now maturing into an effective body capable of executing projects which are of value and interest to the membership.

For the second year we are utilizing a major portion of our budget to fund and recognize clubs who understand that they are not simply only “places to meet and train their canines” but also need to conform with the norms expected of them by the general public. Winners for 2009 Regional Directors and President’s Awards will be announced at the meeting.

The second major project underway and subject to Executive Board approval is the creation of a “Knowledge Base” of content, initially from Schutzhund USA (magazine), accessible through the web. This will have search capabilities allowing members to access articles for the last seven years or so. This will also be regularly updated. Content of interest from other public domain sources will also be phased in along with embedded video (say of trials and conformations shows).

We have also printed 5000 copies of the document titled "Schutzhund and the German Shepherd Dog". This is a trifold and spells out what Schutzhund is all about and USA's role. It is meant to educate the general public and new members as to the do’s and don’ts of Schutzhund. This will also be sent to all litter registrants to be handed to new puppy owners so that they can appreciate the background and capabilities of the canines in the USA Registry. Take away copies are available to the Clubs at the general meeting.

We are also working with the USA office to simplify the process and procedures to create a new Club within USA guidelines. Documents needed for this will be available in the USA website and Blog and the process will be streamlined.

We invite the membership to submit additional projects for consideration. They can either email us or use the USA Blog maintained by the GEC for this purpose. Also, if any member has an interest in joining the GEC, please do contact any one of us.

I would like to thank my fellow committee members for their hard work and creativity enabling us to execute and deliver. In particular, I would like to thank non-GEC members like Craig Groh, Sara Wallick, Sean O’Kane and Nathaniel Roque for joining our monthly calls and providing us with senior level guidance and support.


Rifky Mackeen

Chair – General Education Committee


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Victory for Louisville KC in Suit Against City

---------- Forwarded message ----------

A new Legislative Alert has been posted to the AKC web site

Victory for Louisville KC in Suit Against City

October 06, 2009

Late Friday, United States District Court Judge Charles R. Simpson,
III, of the Western District of Kentucky issued his decision in the
case of the Louisville Kennel Club, Inc. v. Louisville/Jefferson
County Metro Government. A significant victory for the Louisville
Kennel Club, the judge's decision features two key rulings that may
also prove to be of great importance for dog owners nationwide.

First, Judge Simpson held that there was no rational basis why owners
of unaltered dogs should be treated differently than the owners of
altered dogs. This declared the part of the ordinance that required
owners of unaltered dogs to get the Director's written approval for
those dogs' enclosures (owners of altered dogs did not have such a
requirement) as an unconstitutional violation of Equal Protection and
Substantive Due Process.

Reiterating another court's earlier decision that recognized that dogs
are personal property, the judge further held Louisville's seizure
bond requirement as an unconstitutional violation of procedural due
process rules. This requirement, which required anyone accused of
animal cruelty to post bond for the care of their seized animals,
would have resulted in the forfeiture of animals if they were not able
to pay for the bond regardless of whether or not they were later
determined to be innocent.

"We congratulate the Louisville Kennel Club and their co-plaintiffs on
their leadership in opposing the Louisville ordinance," said Dennis
Sprung, President and CEO of the American Kennel Club. "We are
confident that this decision will encourage communities to consider
the interests of responsible dog breeders and owners when making
changes to their animal ordinances."

For a copy of the ruling, please click here.

For more information, contact AKC's Government Relations Department at
(919) 816-3720, or e-mail



Friday, September 18, 2009

2009 Award - Deadline extended - October 12, 2009

Despite a good response this year with 5 regions submitting nominations for the 2009 Regional Director and Presidents awards, some clubs have asked us to give them a bit more time in order to participate.

As our intentions are to encourage multi-club applications from the same region as well as the “reluctant” regions to participate we agree to extend the deadline to submit nominations to Monday October 12, 2009.

This deadline will enable us to finalize the winners and still make the announcements and presentations at the November Annual meeting. The awards program not only recognizes clubs for their excellence but also provides cash awards funded by the GEC budget.

The Nomination worksheet is given below in both MS Word and PDF. We will be happy to assist in any way.

We look forward to your participation.


Terry Fisk - 2009 Project or

Rifky Mackeen - GEC

Click on any of the links below -

CoverLetter and Worksheet - Word version

CoverLetter and Worksheet - PDF version - fillable


Friday, August 7, 2009

Regional Directors and Presidents Awards - 2009

Sponsored by the General Education Committee (GEC)

The GEC of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USA) is pleased to announce the second annual Regional Directors’ and Presidents awards.
These awards were created to showcase and reward USA member clubs which show exemplary conduct with respect to its membership, the sport of Schutzhund and their canines. In addition these awards are designed to encourage every club to strive for a higher standard of excellence especially in addressing concerns of the general public. Clubs should always work towards providing greater clarity about Schutzhund and dispelling any anti-dog sentiment or breed specific resentment.

To simplify the process a worksheet replaces the previous list of questions. (They are attached below in both MS.Word and PDF versions).The point schedule has also been re-designed for a more accurate reflection of the merits of each question. However, the point values have been removed from the nomination worksheet as they may be confusing.

Clubs may nominate themselves for the awards. Alternatively they can be nominated by another club or by any officer from their respective region (Regional Director, Assistant Regional Director, Breed Warden, Training Director, etc.).

Any interpretation of the rules and criteria will be made by the GEC. In keeping with the spirit of these awards; the decision of the GEC is final and they do not expect nor will they entertain any appeals from Clubs which consider that they have not had been fairly judged.

Regional Directors Award

There will be one Regional winner from each of the ten regions. One of these winning clubs will also be awarded the President’s award signifying their number one role in the USA club hierarchy. In order to be included in the 2009 awards, all nominations in the form of completed worksheets must be received by me no later than September 15, 2009. Nominations will be acknowledged upon receipt and also forwarded to the respective Regional Directors. Winning clubs will be determined by October 15, 2009 with the goal that awards might be announced in November 2009 at the USA General Board Meeting.

Recipients will receive the following:

• Plaque/trophy for club house.
• Pins for each member.
• Cash award to be used as the club sees fit (2008 award was $250).

President’s Award

A selections committee consisting of the USA President, Vice President, Secretary and two active members of the GEC will choose, by simple majority approval, one of the regional clubs as the winner of the President’s Award. This nomination will also need simple majority approval of all members of the GEC. The Club so selected maybe the one having the highest score but given the regional bias or weighting; the GEC will take other aspects into consideration. Recipients of the President’s award shall receive the following:

• Plaque/Trophy for Club House.
• Cash award to be used as the club sees fit (2008 award was $350).

Winning clubs may publish their award in any media meant to promote the interests of the club, USA and the GEC awards program. Likewise, the GEC will publish such details in the Schutzhund USA Magazine, USA website and Blog and in any other media they see fit to showcase the clubs and its activity.
We are hopeful that this year all regions will participate and we ask that you share details of these awards with all clubs in your locale. We look forward to receiving your nomination and any comments about the awards program.


Terry Fisk

2009 Project Leader

760-868-0676 Phone
760-868-3388 FAX


Rifky Mackeen
GEC Chair -

Click on any of the links below -

CoverLetter and Worksheet - Word version

CoverLetter and Worksheet - PDF version - fillable


Monday, July 6, 2009



Please read this entire e-blast for information about SB 250 and the
next steps. This is very important that information get out to dog
(and cat) lovers throughout the State of California and that each of
us makes a personal commitment to get this bill finally defeated.

SB 250 was heard by the California Assembly Business and Professions
Committee. There was a quorum in spite absences of committee members.
Senator Florez did not have available the promised amendments although
he stated that he had them mocked up. The chairperson declined to
accept any mock ups and said that the committee would consider the
bill as is--

After testimony from both sides, those attending the hearing were
allowed to stand and state their name and position. There were about a
dozen people present in favor of the bill and decades present against
the bill. Testimony opposing the bill was straight forward and
factual. Bill Hemby from PetPAC spoke about the Department of Finance
report and the fact that the AVMA and ASPCA do not support mandatory
spay/neuter nor has HSUS supported this bill. Dr. John Hamil was
brought in by CDOC and spoke about the intrusion this bill presents to
veterinarians and about the process of sterilization as well as the
risks associated with using MSN as a punishment. Representing NAIA was
Dr. Kay Henderson who presented graphs as well as factual information
about the Santa Cruz model.

In spite of solid testimony, a petition with over 20,000 names
presented, and an overwhelming presence the vote was 6-3 with Ira
Ruskin casting the deciding vote. Ruskin originally did not vote and
if he had stayed the course, the bill would have failed-- but again,
granted reconsideration Florez was able to convince the lone democrat
stand-out to cast a supporting vote. The three Republicans present
voted against. One Republican from what I understand was not present
but that would not have changed the outcome.

People who especially live or work in Ira Ruskin's district need to
contact him and professionally request that he change his vote if the
bill gets to the Assembly Floor. Ruskin's is the 21st District and
covers: all or part of 13 cities in San Mateo and Santa Clara
counties, including San Carlos, Redwood City, Atherton, Portola
Valley, Woodside, Menlo Park, East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, Los Altos,
Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, the Almaden Valley of San
Jose, and Stanford University. Call his office today==(916) 319 - 2021
if you are a constituent or pass this information on to those who live
in his district.

SB 250 now goes to Appropriation and we are fairly sure that Florez is
going to fast track this bill.

and there were fewer organizations and dog clubs writing official
letters. I have heard that fax machines were turned off over the
weekend which simply means we need to have a show of power quicker.

Although no amendments have been published, letters can be started to
the Assembly Appropriations Committee and to individual Assembly
members.  If everyone who receives this e-blast writes a letter to
each Appropriations Committee member and to their own Assembly member
and then gets five additional people to do the same, we would almost
double the number of letters received for the Business and Professions
Florez keeps saying that this is not a mandatory spay/neuter bill
because people can pay to keep their pets intact.

Remind your assembly member of the following points:

1) It is not currently illegal to own an intact pet. SB 250 would make
it illegal to own a "natural" animal.

2) To be able to keep your pet intact, you would have to apply for,
qualify for, and retain a license. However, that license can be denied
or revoked for a number of reasons and many not having anything to do
with the animal's reproductive ability.

3) Once a license has been denied or revoked, an owner MAY NEVER own
another intact animal FOREVER and all intact pets owned or cared for
by this owner will be required to be sterilized.


4) Even though the costs of this mandate would be the responsibility
of the local governments, the Department of Finance came out in
opposition of SB 250 because it will be very expensive be it to the
local governments or to the State. Go to and download
the report. Send this to every member of the Appropriations Committee
and especially to your own assemblymember.

5) Another reason the Department of Finance opposes SB 250 is because
of the failed track record of mandatory spay/neuter. The costs
increase. The euthanasia rate increases. The number of impounds and
surrenders increase. The use of mandatory spay/neuter either as policy
or penalty does not decrease animal deaths. Ironically, animal deaths
increase as does overall costs and expenses.

Focus your letters on the following points:

1.  Local control
2.  Increasing costs/mandates during a time of financial crisis
3.  The lack of evidence (Santa Cruz) that the program works

Laura Finco
CDOC Communications

The following are members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee;
phone numbers and emails. I will get mailing addresses and fax numbers
out as soon as possible.

Kevin de Leon - Chair
(916) 319-2045
Assemblymember. deLeon@assembly.

Jim Nielsen - Vice Chair
(916) 319-2002
Assemblymember. Nielsen@assembly

Tom Ammiano
(916) 319-2013
Assemblymember. Ammiano@assembly

Charles M. Calderon
(916) 319-2058
Assemblymember. Calderon@ assembly.

Joe Coto
(916) 319-2023
Assemblymember. coto@assembly.

Mike Davis
(916) 319-2048
Assemblymember. Davis@assembly.

Michael D. Duvall
(916) 319-2072
Assemblymember. Duvall@assembly.

Felipe Fuentes
(916) 319-2039
Assemblymember. fuentes@assembly

Isadore Hall III
(916) 319-2052
Assemblymember. Hall@assembly.

Diane L. Harkey
(916) 319-2073
Assemblymember. Harkey@assembly.

Jeff Miller
(916) 319-2071
Assemblymember. Miller@assembly.

John A. Pérez
(916) 319-2046
Assemblymember. John.Perez@ assembly.

Nancy Skinner
(916) 319-2014
Assemblymember. Skinner@assembly

Jose Solorio
(916) 319-2069
Assemblymember. solorio@assembly

Audra Strickland
(916) 319-2037
Assemblymember. strickland@ assembly.

Tom Torlakson
(916) 319-2011
Assemblymember. Torlakson@ assembly.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Winners of the Regional Directors and Presidents Awards

A detailed article on the Regional Directors and Presidents Award is contained in the March/April issue of the Magazine. We delayed publishing the results so that they could appear concurrently in all three USA media.

The winners of the Regional Directors Award for the six (out of ten) participating regions are as follows -

Northwest Region: Redwood Schutzhund Club
Southwest Region: Der Hundesport Performance Club
Southeastern Region: South Metro Atlanta Schutzhund Club
North Central Region: O.G. Bierstadt Schutzhund Club
South Central Region: DFW Working Dogs, Inc.
Mid-Central Region: Tornado Alley Schutzhund Club

The GEC proudly awards a plaque and a cash award of $250 each to these Clubs.

These clubs stood out in their regions by their efforts to promote our sport in a positive light and with good sportsmanship and conduct, which encouraged growth and camaraderie amongst their members.

The winner of the 2008 GEC Presidents Award

From regional winners we selected the best club for the President’s Award.

The GEC proudly awards a plaque and a cash award of $350 (making a aggregate cash award of $600) to:

Redwood Schutzhund Club

Congratulations to all these clubs and their members!

The members of these clubs will also receive a "pin" designed by GEC Secretary , Katja Hunsecker and it is our hope that when they wear it they will be blessed with good Karma.

Our thanks to all the clubs who participated and to the Regional Directors who saw the benefits of identifying and recognizing such "good club" behavior and actions. We are hopeful that more regions will participate in the 2009 Awards which will be kicked off soon ( subject to budget and other approvals).


Rifky Mackeen
Chair - General Education Committee


Message from the Nominating Committee

The following positions will be coming up for election during this year –

Judges Committee - 2
Member at Large – Mike Gardner
Member at Large – Debbie Zappia

National Events Committee - 2
Martin Vollrath (Chair)
Hal Lymus
Willie Pope
Howie Rodriguez

Nominating Committee - 5
Rifky Mackeen (Chair)
Ravi Iyer
Rita Ledda
Charles Norton
Marie Weller

The Nominating Committee is contacting the incumbents to discern if they are interested in continuing in their roles for another two years. In addition we will also be interested in hearing from members who wish to have their names considered for any of these positions. Ideally there should be a mix of new and old faces to ensure that there is both some continuity and infusion of fresh ideas available to shape the future of the USA.

Please contact any member of the Nominating Committee or the Chair if you are interested in being considered.


Rifky Mackeen
Chair – Nominating Committee