California Proposition 93 (Term Limits)
As luck would have it, California will have an opportunity on Tuesday
February 5 to help rid the state legislature of some of the worst
proponents of anti-dog and anti-cat legislation. It is not just
constituents in their legislative districts who can vote these
extremists out. Every registered California voter has the
opportunity to vote them out.
Now is a critical time for those who oppose the radical Animal Rights
agenda to make it clear to politicians that we are a powerful
constituency, and that legislators who pander to the extremist AR
agenda will lose their jobs. We can send letters and faxes to make
our case, but what matters most is how we vote.
A NO vote on Proposition 93 is a vote to make sure Lloyd Levine terms
out at the end of 2008. Levine is the sponsor of the infamous AB
1634 mandatory spay/neuter bill.
A NO vote on Proposition 93 is a vote to make sure Fabian Núñez
terms out at the end of 2008. Núñez is the Speaker of the
Assembly. Had Núñez not twisted arms before the "do over" vote in
the Assembly, AB 1634 would have died for good last Spring.
A NO vote on Proposition 93 is a vote to make sure Loni Hancock terms
out at the end of 2008. Hancock sponsored a failed bill to ban the
several thousand year old tradition of field coursing with hounds.
A poll a few days ago showed Proposition 93 in a statistical tie.
Californians are waking up to the fact that Proposition 93 is bad.
Polls a few months ago had shown overwhelming support for it. But
the more Californians learn about Prop 93, the less support it has.
We only have two days remaining to spread the word.
If every Californian dedicated to preserving our rights as dog and
cat owners votes NO on Proposition 93 on February 5, and spreads the
word to others to do the same, that could be the decisive factor.
There are plenty of other good reasons to vote NO on Proposition 93:
- it is dishonestly worded to make it sound like it toughens
California's term limits, when in reality it weakens them - the
leadership that is promoting Proposition 93 promised it would be
paired with reform of California's corrupt and broken redistricting
process, but they broke that promise - it has a sweetheart clause that
allows even longer terms for Núñez and many others - newspapers on
the left and the right oppose Proposition 93
Laura Sanborn
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