Friday, February 1, 2008

Mandatory L.A Spay/Neuter Ordinance Passes

Dear Lyle,

Today a mandatory/spay neuter ordinance mandating sterilization at 4
months of age was passed by the Los Angeles City Council. The
supporters of this bill including PETA, Assemblymember Lloyd Levine
and Campaign Director Judie Mancuso are now moving to pass AB 1634, a
statewide mandatory/spay neuter bill for California.

PetPAC is announcing today a renewed campaign effort to defeat AB 1634
once and for all. As opponents of mandatory sterilization laws, we
must act immediately to stop these efforts to strip away the rights of
pet owners.

Our opponents have recently raised millions of dollars to take away
pet owners rights…today I am asking PetPAC members to once again
contribute so we can continue the fight to defeat AB 1634.

One of the arguments used to pass the mandatory spay/neuter ordinance
in Los Angeles was to prohibit ANY new dogs or cats from being born
until the shelters were emptied. Our opponents include radical
extremists who wish for the elimination of all family pets. Please
don't delay, we need your financial contribution today. Thank

Bill Hemby

P.S. Please contribute today and forward this message to your friends
and family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had my SchH 2 spayed (she was ready for her SChH3) she died at the Vets just after surgery. I was broken harted. Do these people realise the danger of spaying? I didn't. Please pass this on.