Wednesday, April 25, 2007

CA AB 1634 Moves Out of Committee

As you may have heard the bad news - the Bill "passed" the Business & Professional Committee and is now progressed for vote by the Appropriations Committeee. This was on Tuesday April 24. The USA is reviewing its strategy and how it should guide the membership on the next steps. The Appropriations Committeee deals with dollars and cents and we should identify how this will hurt the economy of the State if it passes.

More to follow. Our lead on this is Cathy Cross of the GEC.

For more information please check out the AKC site which provides more information -


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Today, the California Assembly Business and Professions Committee voted in favor of Assembly Bill 1634. The bill will now be considered by the Assembly Appropriations Committee. After today's committee hearing, several hundred fanciers who had attended distributed educational materials provided by AKC staff to their assemblymember and expressed their opposition to AB 1634.

For more details click here


Friday, April 20, 2007

AB 1634 - California Healthy Pets Act

Update as of April 20, 2007

The AKC has some recent updates and we encourage you to visit these -

1. this discusses how some of the local governments are proposing to adopt the provisions of AB 1634 locally even if it does not pass at a State level. Please click here.

2. the amendments to AB1634 and action recommended are given here.

We continue to urge our members to visit this site where we will provide guidance as available to help you fight the Bill and its residual action at a local level.


Friday, April 13, 2007

AB 1634 - California Healthy Pets Act

AB 1634 - California Healthy Pets Act

Update - April 13, 2007


Based on information available to us, the California Assembly Business and Professions Committee (BNP) discussed Assembly Bill 1634 (Bill) on April 10. Those present were provided circa 6 minutes to state their name/address, organization (if any) and voice their approval or dissent with the Bill. No presentations per se were made.

Based such voting and also counting the letters received by the previous cut off date of March 31, 2007, there were 1318 (1100 Individuals and 218 Organizations) supporting and 1209 (1000 Individuals and 209 Organizations) dissenting. The USA is listed as one of the latter.

Assemblyman Lloyd Levine is also making another revision to Bill which he is required to produce to the BNP by April 16. It is expected to be made public by April 17 (also the tax deadline). The BNP will meet again in a week, on April 24,to make a final determination on the Bill. No presentations are anticipated to be possible on this date.


If the Bill passes the BNP this is the expected progression -

- Appropriations Committee (who will examine the Dollars and Cents)
- Assembly Floor for a vote
- Senate Floor for a vote
- Governor for signature.

There will be opportunities at each of these stages to voice our dissent but ideally we should like to see it killed at the BNP level. We, however, need plan for any eventuality.

What should we do now?

1. If you have sent a letter before -

USA Clubs who have written to the BNP are encouraged to re-submit their letters by fax to reach the BNP before April 17 (although Tracy Rhine, the BNP Secretary has apparently advised that this is not necessary - it may still be useful in case the first letter has gone astray).

2. If you have not sent any letters as yet -

Clubs and individuals who have not written so far MUST submit their opposition to the Bill and a simple letter format is given below. Our take on this is that the contents of the communication are not being considered. It is merely going into two piles - one for and one against. Also given below are Committtee names and fax numbers.

PLEASE send the fax as soon as possible but no later than Tuesday, April 17. To preclude a pile up or a "fax Jam" - you should send it by Monday the latest.Please cut and paste the letter as appropriate.

As of date there are no further updates on this in the AKC or SOD sites but you are encouraged to visit them. The USA’s role is to provide some guidance to the membership but we are cognizant that given our size and representation; we need be followers and not necessarily take any lead on this. We will leave that role to the AKC, SOD etc and will work in coordination with them to the same end.

Format of Club Letter

(Club Name)
(Street Address)
(City/State/Zip Code)

April 13, 2007

The Honorable Mike Eng, Chair
Assembly Business and Professions Committee
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0049

Subject: AB 1634 (Levine/Amended) California Healthy Pets Act – OPPOSE

Dear Assemblyman Eng:

As a member of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USA), our club opposes AB 1634 for the reasons stated by our President in his letter sent to the Business and Professions Committee on March 30, 2007. Our club requests inclusion in the listed opposition to the bill.

Very truly yours,

(Your name)
(Your office title)

cc: Assembly Business and Professions Committee Members

Format of Member (Individual) Letter

April 13, 2007

The Honorable Mike Eng, Chair
Assembly Business and Professions Committee
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0049

Subject: AB 1634 (Levine/Amended) California Healthy Pets Act – OPPOSE

Dear Assemblyman Eng:

As a member of the United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USA), I oppose AB 1634 for the reasons stated by our President in his letter sent to the Business and Professions Committee on March 30, 2007. I request inclusion in the listed opposition to the bill.

Very truly yours,

(Your name)
(Your street address)
(Your city/state/zip code)

cc: Assembly Business and Professions Committee Members



Name and Fax Numbers

Ms. Tracy Rhine, Committee Consultant – 916-319-3306
Mr. Ted Blanchard, Assembly Republication Policy Consultant – 916-319-3902
Assemblyman Mike Eng, Chair – 916-319-2149
Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, Vice Chair –916-319-2163
Assemblywoman Karen Bass –916-319-2147
Assemblywoman Wilmer Amina Carter –916-319-2162
Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi –916-319-2118
Assemblyman Edward Hernandez –916-319-2157
Assemblywoman Shirley Horton –916-319-2178
Assemblyman Bill Maze –916-319-2134 - Note Below
Assemblyman Curren Price –916-319-2151
Assemblyman Alberto Torrico –916-319-2120


We understand that Bill Maze is opposing the Bill and has apparently requested that he not be sent any faxes.


Monday, April 2, 2007

Update - California Healthy Pets Act

What we have done so far ( position April 6, 2007)

1. advised the USA membership through the Regional Directors to voice their protests by writing/calling/faxing their Elected representative(s). Letter formats have been provided ( see letter below and also visit the Post below for more details). Obviously the membership has rallied to the cause as we have had over 600 hits since sending details to the 50 or so USA clubs in California. Our Regional Directors are to be thanked for taking this task on. Unless there is Constituent protest; this Bill may pass in some form....and guess what..the Bill has been amended again. For the new version please click here. (to return to the Blog; please use your browsers back arrow key).

For more details of these changes please visit the AKC site or the Save Our Dogs site.

2.considering sending a senior member of the USA's Executive Board to make a presentation to the Committee provided we are given enough floor time.

3. submitted a strong letter of protest signed by the USA President to the Committee considering the Bill. For full text of the letter please click here.(to return to the Blog; please use your browsers back arrow key). The AKC has also sent a protest and the letter from their President & CEO is here and the very compelling one from their Chairman to Governor Schwarzenegger is here. The latter discusses what is of paramount importance to the State - loss of revenues.

We urge all to visit the AKC and Save Our Dogs sites. Both of them are taking concerted action to defeat the bill and may have more up to date information available. The USA's role is to provide its members with all and any assistance they may need to achieve this end as well. We will work with all organisations having the same goals.

For Suggested USA Letter - please click on Read More


# Any Street
Any City, CA Zip Code

The Honorable full name
State Capitol
Room number
Sacramento, CA Zip Code

Dear Assembly Member or Senator (use last name)

AB 1634 - California Healthy Pets Act

(Suggested Opening Paragraph – modify as appropriate)

I am a Constituent and a responsible dog owner (add breeder, trainer etc as appropriate) belonging to The United Schutzhund Clubs of America ("USA") and am writing to express my opposition to California Assembly Bill AB 1634 (“Bill”). Whilst the intent of the Bill “to reduce the number of cats and dogs in shelters” is indeed laudable; it will nonetheless be ineffective. It will only serve to penalize responsible dog owners and breeders. Furthermore, it will encourage puppy buyers to import from out of state or even from overseas from "puppy factories" and other commercial breeders. Also, it will encourage those who are irresponsible to not license their pets and remain "under the radar" so to speak. If enacted this Bill would impose undue financial hardships to “in state” German Shepherd Dog (and other Breed) owners, breeders and trainers.

(Suggested Paragraphs – choose/modify as appropriate)

As you are aware, German Shepherd Dogs have a time-honored tradition of protecting the innocent and vulnerable members of society. They protect and assist police officers and military personnel in fighting crime and terrorism. They serve worldwide as police dogs, military dogs, search-and-rescue dogs, guide dogs for the blind, therapy dogs, and assistance dogs. They also serve as loyal and faithful family pets.

Mandatory spay and neuter provisions, as envisaged by the Bill, would prevent the selection of breeding-quality working German Shepherds, and could effectively wipe out in one generation, what breeders have strived to safeguard and develop for a century. It is simply not practical for any breeder to identify dogs which have the inherent breeding potential at a young age as four months resulting in them being required to pay intact permit fees. The choice of spaying or neutering should be left to the dog owners as it otherwise infringes on their civil liberties as Citizens of a Free Country.

Although the Bill “exempts” certain dogs if they are registered with certain “approved” Registries and/or serve law enforcement or other such agencies; it still does not exempt these dogs from payment of “intact permit fees” on which there is no "cap" or "limit" in the amounts which can be levied by the local jurisdictions at will and without any justification. Dog owners will be required to subsidize any inefficiency in local animal control and management which will be continually passed across to them in the form of such fees.

This Bill also does not recognize that certain “Registries” such as the USA have strict controls and regulations in place to preclude indiscriminate and improper breeding. Dogs registered with the USA are bred under strict guidelines requiring a variety of certifications as to temperament, obedience, and other canine aspects of good behavior. There is also control imposed on line and in breeding. It is also a pre-requisite for all breeding females and stud dogs to have good health certifications in respect of Hip Dysplasia etc. There are also limits placed on the number of litters that can be registered by the Breeder and the litter (puppies) and the Dam are visited by a Regional Breed Warden to ensure that they are sound, in good health and their environment conforms to USA standards. In addition the puppies are all tattooed to provide effective identification.

The Bill if passed in any form will also impact the livelihood of a number of people in the California who manage either full time or part time to make ends meet by operating small and home based businesses dealing with training, breeding and production of canine related items for sale. In addition, the reduction of purebred dogs in the State will reduce the number of dog shows which are held annually. This and the reduction in sales of dog and cat related food and other items will cause an equivalent reduction in the amount of sales tax collected and also result in some level of unemployment or underemployment. As such, the Bill will cause a tremendous negative impact to the economy of the State.

(Suggested ending Paragraph – modify as appropriate)

The provisions of the Bill are clearly impractical, do not achieve the purpose for it was intended and makes the cure worse than the disease. If the Bill is passed all it will do is to encourage the importation of pups and dogs from out of state/overseas. This does not necessarily mean that these “imported” dogs will not end up in shelters. We strongly oppose this transgression of our rights as law abiding citizens of the State of California and urge you to take all steps as necessary to have the Bill withdrawn.

Yours Sincerely