Sunday, December 20, 2009

USA SVF Licenses

Message from the Director of Judges

" There have been a lot of questions on some of the Web Forums regarding the SV licensing of our USA Judges and the use of the acronym SVF as well as their names on the SV Judges List. I have used the acronym SVF and in the upcoming issue of the USA Magazine I used the acronym USA/SV Judge since at that time it was not clear what would be the most correct. I have now received a copy of the letter confirming the license of one of our judges and in order to properly designate our USA Judges that are SV Recognized to award titles in the United States we will use the acronym SVR (for SV Recognized). All of our Judges that attended the SV Seminar and passed are SV Recognized to award titles in the United States that will be recognized for Breed Survey by the SV.

The description on the license is : vom SV anerkannter Auslands - Leistungarichter
it is my understanding that the correct translation of this is: SV recognized foreign performance judge.

A copy of the letter from the SV is available. Please click here.

What are membership needs to remember is that what is most important is these judges are recognized by the SV so all awarded titles will be accepted the same as they are from any other SV Judge for the purpose of Breed Surveys.

Before the SV will list the USA Judges they needed to become SV Members so that they could issue licenses. Mr Grewe and Mr Hintz were already SV Members so they will be listed in the Jan 2010 SV List (Jan 2010 SV Zeitung). All Judges living outside of Germany will be listed with an "L" after their name. The remainder of the USA Judges that are SV Recognized will be listed as soon as their SV Membership is processed.

All titles awarded by USA Licensed Judges are and have always been recognized in any WUSV Member Organization for the purpose of sport. It is important to remember that USA Judges have been invited to judge at the WUSV World Championship under their USA License which proves the validity of the organization and its Judges College.

In the future the USA Judges that have earned SV Recognition will use the acronym "SVR" to make it easier for the membership to determine if that Judge and / or title is SV Recognized for SV Breed Requirements. Also please remember that if you plan on using the USA only Breed Survey titles from any USA Judge are accepted.

I hope this answers some of the questions that have been asked.

Nathaniel Roque
Director of Judges - United Schutzhund Clubs of America
USA - Working Dog Judge # 30,
SVR - SV Recognized Working Dog Judge
AWMA - Working Dog Judge # 2"