Friday, September 18, 2009

2009 Award - Deadline extended - October 12, 2009

Despite a good response this year with 5 regions submitting nominations for the 2009 Regional Director and Presidents awards, some clubs have asked us to give them a bit more time in order to participate.

As our intentions are to encourage multi-club applications from the same region as well as the “reluctant” regions to participate we agree to extend the deadline to submit nominations to Monday October 12, 2009.

This deadline will enable us to finalize the winners and still make the announcements and presentations at the November Annual meeting. The awards program not only recognizes clubs for their excellence but also provides cash awards funded by the GEC budget.

The Nomination worksheet is given below in both MS Word and PDF. We will be happy to assist in any way.

We look forward to your participation.


Terry Fisk - 2009 Project or

Rifky Mackeen - GEC

Click on any of the links below -

CoverLetter and Worksheet - Word version

CoverLetter and Worksheet - PDF version - fillable