Monday, April 7, 2008

"Levine/Pavley Education Day Walk" - May 17/18

To all Members

We are attempting to organize a "Levine/Pavley Education Day Walk"
precinct walk in the Senate District? We need at least 2 hundred
walkers to show on the weekend of May 17/18.
At the campaign headquarters in Woodland hills, details will follow.

The precinct walk will just be one day. Materials will be available.
It has been suggested, that at the end of the walk, each participant
had Fran Pavley a check for $16.34.

The Campaign field director has also asked for help in their office
IMMDIATELY from local people to call 5000 mail in voters. THEY NEED
OUR HELP, we will have contact information out there soon.

Fran Pavely, is a State Senate Candidate, trying to fend off Lloyd
Levine, the author of AB 1634. Levine has termed out (and both are
running for the same Senate Seat in) California's legislature.

If Fran Pavley wins, Lloyd Levine will have to go find a job somewhere else.
Please RSVP me directly if you can be there. We ware coordinating with
other dog and cat groups, so this will be a successful effort.

This is your opportunity to pay Lloyd Levine back for AB 1634, and
send a message to other politicians that they have awakened a sleeping
giant and we will not let them run all over us anymore. PLEASE we can
change this type of bogus legislation.


Mike Gardner

Chair Pro Tem

Legislative Sub Committee, USA

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