Friday, March 13, 2009

Message from the Nominating Committee

The following positions will be coming up for election during this year –

Judges Committee - 2
Member at Large – Mike Gardner
Member at Large – Debbie Zappia

National Events Committee - 2
Martin Vollrath (Chair)
Hal Lymus
Willie Pope
Howie Rodriguez

Nominating Committee - 5
Rifky Mackeen (Chair)
Ravi Iyer
Rita Ledda
Charles Norton
Marie Weller

The Nominating Committee is contacting the incumbents to discern if they are interested in continuing in their roles for another two years. In addition we will also be interested in hearing from members who wish to have their names considered for any of these positions. Ideally there should be a mix of new and old faces to ensure that there is both some continuity and infusion of fresh ideas available to shape the future of the USA.

Please contact any member of the Nominating Committee or the Chair if you are interested in being considered.


Rifky Mackeen
Chair – Nominating Committee

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