Monday, June 28, 2010

Candidate Resumes


Matt Levin

Doing what’s right . . .

Matt Levin for USA President

Involved in Schutzhund since 1991.
Titled numerous dogs from nothing to SchH3, with one of them SchH3, FH.
SchH is a family sport as his wife Karolyn is a SchH3 Club member and his 14 year old daughter, Jessica is about to put her first SchH title on her dog.
Has shown in all USA national events, including the HOT Tournament and one time at the Canadian Nationals.
Handled all of his dogs for their conformation ratings and Breed Surveys.
Classified as National Level Helper twice and has been chosen to perform the helper work at several Regional Championships as well as front half at the UDC Nationals.
Tracklayer for several National Championships. Layed tracks and performed helper work at several Regional Championships.
Member of Hauptstadt SchH Verein for more than 15 years and many of those years as Training Director.
His club welcomes any dog that is capable of the work.
Been involved in BSL since 1990.
ASE certified Master Mechanic for 15 years. Service Manager of two Car Dealership Service Departments. Focus is always on customer service.


#1 Bring the organization back to the members.
That means the organization works for them, not the other way around.

#2 Make USA more accessible for the clubs and members. Leadership must be accountable and accessible.

#3 Build Membership
Recruit new members and bring back those who have left USA.
Improve services to retain current membership.

Detailed Plans have been developed in these areas:

Repeal the new amendment prohibiting our members from belonging to a “competing GSD organization”.
Implement electronic voting at the annual General Board Meeting
Phase in One Member/One Vote if the membership chooses it
Help for new members
Training the training helpers at the club level

As I look closer into the details of USA I am finding other areas that will need attention. As always, I will address the problems openly and develop a means for the membership to be able to have their voice heard more often than once a year at a General Board Meeting.

Just like the majority of our members in USA, I am not a world team member, I’m not a judge and I’ve held no other office in USA. I’m a member who has seen the path USA is taking and I’ve decided that it’s time to change the direction. It’s time for the grassroots members to take a stand and take their organization back. I’m open and available to the membership. I will listen to the members’ concerns and respond to them. It’s about time that we do what is right for the USA members.

Lyle Roetemeyer

Position: Re-election President, USA


Various tier management experiences since with Kroger Stores since 1984.
Currently manage a very profitable department
Have completed many business, marketing and leadership courses related to business.

USA Membership/Accomplishments

Charter member River City SchH Club since 1984. Co-training director/helper.
Member, Western Ky. SchH Club. Training Director/Trial Helper.
Started Cumberland Valley SchH & Police Club.
Regional Director Mid-Eastern Region- 1999, 2001; assistant regional director prior to that.
Member, Nominating Committee, five terms (two terms as chairman)
Judges committee as member @ large 1 term
Vice-president USA, two terms (Filled vacancy of President after Jim Elder’s resignation)
President USA 2006-current.
Current member of USA Helper Committee.
Teaching Helper since 2004 (beginning of program), has trained >100 helpers since the inception of the program

National/Regional Event Organizing Accomplishments

Regional Championship 1996, 2005
USA World Qualifier 1999
Regional Breed Show 2002
AWDF Championship 2005
USA HOT/Youth OB Championship 2006
USA Sieger Show 2004 & USA National Championship on weekends back to back (first time every accomplished by one club)
USA National Championship 2002
USA Working Dog Championship 2009
Summary: 6 national events and 3 regional events serving as trial chairman (Lots of work)

Handler Accomplishments

Trained and titled seven GSDs

USA Leadership Accomplishments

Secured sponsorship of Royal Canin for the 2004 Seiger Show and then as USA primary sponsor.
Secured extension of the sponsorship of Tri-tronics
Rebuild bridges with the AWDF, currently serving as Vice President.
Helped with the development of the Youth Scholarship program by establishing a 501c3 tax status

Personal/ non USA related accomplishments

Married for 36 years
2 daughters and 3 grandsons (also involved with raising and training their own dogs).
Active in local community with little league and community education seminars for local school children and the local Explorer Club.

If elected, my focus for the next term will continue to be multi faceted with a focus on providing continued and new opportunities for our loyal members.

1) Corporate Sponsorships continued and new
2) Educational programs for youth members, adult members and especially training directors
3) Continuing strong support of the AWDF
4) Continuing the building of positive relationships within the WUSV, the FCI and the IRO
5) Continuing to build upon the success of our elected and appointed committees
7) Continuing to market USA with our advertising in national publications
8) Looking to other marketing resources through the development of a new website with technological capabilities to serve our members for many years to come.
9) Continuing to place a strong emphasis on promoting our working events, shows and breed surveys events as a tool for understanding proper breeding practices and promotion of the German shepherd dog

I appreciate the Nominating Committee’s efforts for USA and I am appreciative of your consideration of my declaration for the office of President.

(This candidate has submitted a longer resume. Please click here for the full submission. A shorter version has been posted).

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